Pot odds are the odds equal the ratio of the pot size to the size of the bet youmust call. To determine the pot odds, simply take the amount of money thatis already in the pot and divide that by how much you need to put in to call.Understand pot odds helps you to determine whether or not you shouldcall when you are on a draw. Let’s say that you are in a game that six people seethe flop for $5; there is $30 in the pot. On the flop, there is a $15 bet and nowit’s your turn to call. The pot odds are $45:$15 or about 3 to 1.

Implied Odds
Implied odds represent how much money you might be able to make if yousuccessfully hit a drawing hand. On the other words, implied odds are simplyfuture pot odds data sgp. If you are pretty sure that your opponent will bet anotheramount of money into the pot in the future, you should use the implied oddsbefore deciding whether to call a bet or not. Before you use the implied odds,make sure you have a good understanding of your opponent’s action. Will hebet out and then call a raise if the card you need hits? If you fail to read youropponent, it may cost you a lot especially in the no limit game. I will coverthe four different of players in the later chapter.
Call or Fold
Let’s say you are holding J♣T♣, and the flop brings a Q♥8♣2♥. There is $30in the pot, your opponent bets $10, and there are three callers when it gets toyou. Currently your pot odd is $70:$10, and you have a gutshot straight draw,any nine will make your hand. You are 11:1 against completing your handon the turn while getting only 7:1 on a call. From what we have learned, youshould only call bets if you believe there is another $40 bet when theturn show. You must have good understanding of your opponent when youtry to use the implied odds. Therefore, if you are new to poker, don’t over usethat until you are comfortable with it.
Here are some examples, make sure you understand it all if you are new topoker.
There is $100 in the pot on the pot, and one of the players bets $500 to you. What is the pot odds?
The pot odds are $600:$500, or about 1.2 to 1
You are holding 5♣4♣, and the flop brings a A♠K♠2♣. You believe youropponent has AK.Both of you have $500 There was $80 in the pot, and your opponent bet $50.Do you call or fold your hand?
Your card odd is only about 11:1, so you are 11:1 against calling the bet. You are 11:1 against calling the raise. Therefore you have a 35:1 pot odd. Your card odd is only about 17:1, so you are 17:1 against calling a bet. Therefore you have a 70:1 pot odd. Usually you will be about 15:1 against calling. You might be up against a lot of similar hands, such as Aayers and Kings with possibly hovered flops. Therefore, although your hand odd is only about 11:1, you are down by about 15:1. That means you are making a bad play quite often against such opponents. Also, in limit poker, players push the pot up and gets into a hurry. When the pot jumpstarts, you are adding more money to your prize pot.
Implied Odds
Implied odds are not given at the time of a hand’s announcement.Implied odds are the odds you get from the potstay with you after the game is over. Five percent of the time, you will be up three to four times the amount of the wager you placed in the game. Five percent of the time, you will be down three to four times the amount of the wager you placed in the game. But, you can have a lot more negative implied odds such as eight to nine percent of the time. This means that the most you will lose with a call is eight to nine percent of the time.
You need to remember that the only information you should really know is what your opponent will pay you off or call you. Even this may not be enough to win a lot of hands. Hands against four or more players are harder to play against than hands against less players.